Wall of Honor

The Wall of Honor Ceremony is held annually on the first Saturday in May
In 2007 the Soddy-Daisy Wall of Honor was launched when Mrs. Chastain, a resident of Soddy-Daisy, had visited some family and witnessed their name being placed on a wall of remembrance in that city. Robert Cothran, President of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 942, liked the idea and came up with a vision and the plans to build a wall for our Veterans in Soddy-Daisy. After several meetings with our City Leaders we were given permission to build the Wall in our Veteran’s Park. Wtih the help from our then Mayor (Gene Shipley), City Manager (Janice Cagle), the City Commissioners, and our Public Works Department construction began in 2009. It was finished and ready for the first names in 2010. It would have taken a lot longer and been more difficult without the help of Steve Hamby of P&S Concrete, who supplied all of the concrete, and the monetary donation from our County Commissioner Fred Skillern to pay for the forming and finishing, and our City for being there when we needed extra help.
We wanted more than a Memorial Wall with only the names, we wanted to honor both the living and the dead, so we came up with the name “Wall of Honor”. Each applicant that is placed on the Wall has some history of their service to our country or our city. All that is required to be placed on the Wall is to have an Honorable Discharge and some documentation of your service or documentation showing you were or are now a member of the Soddy-Daisy Fire or Police Department. At present we have Veterans of both City Departments and Veterans from the War Between the States up through the war in Iraq and Alfghanistan.
The Wall is a great history lesson about the Veterans of our area.
Application Process
- We are now accepting applications from the area of Hamilton County west and north of the Tennessee River.
- Each applicant is screened by the 5 member Board, chaired by Wayne Mailliard
The Board consists of:
- 1 Soddy-Daisy Commissioner (Gene Shipley)
- 1 Soddy-Daisy resident (Sara Burris)
- 2 Veterans (Jim Penney) and (Raymond Kern)
- 1 Honorary member (Robert Cothran)
Download an application: